Saturday, February 1, 2014

I'm In A Place I Never Thought I Would Be

I live in a small town. I live in Montana. I live where it snows. 
Never did I think that I would be here. I am one of 89 in my graduating class when less than a year ago I was one of 600. I am a cheerleader. That is something I never thought I would say and I actually enjoy it. Being a senior in high school is nothing like I thought it would be. I know that if I still lived in Arizona this last year of high school would be completely different. Not necessarily better or worse, just different. If I still lived in Arizona I would be able to see my boyfriend more than three times a year. I wouldn't be creating a yearbook that is practically my baby or be pushing my limits by being a cheerleader. I might have more friends and more of a social life. But I wouldn't be experiencing all these new things like snow. 
So I guess this move hasn't been all bad. There is a bright side to every situation. Would I ever choose to live here? No absolutely not. Do I miss the warmth and sunshine in January? So much. I even miss the 100 plus degree weather in August. Call me crazy.
This place has its perks and I could see why people stay here all there lives. But its isn't for me. The nearest mall is 30 minutes away and its a crappy mall. Same as Target and Costco. That is just not the life for me. If I am bored, I want to drive 10 minutes and be able to go to a shopping center or a mall.

So my point is this is a place I didn't think I would ever live. It may even be the last place I thought I would end up. Well maybe not the last.

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