Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Car and a Plane Ticket

On Saturday I bought a car... It needs some work, and a name. Having a car makes me feel like an adult. I just graduated high school and have to meet the real world and I hope it treats me well. This small town isn't for me. The cold, snowy winters and the less than warm springs aren't the best. I will miss my family more than anything, but I have to follow my arrow and go where I will be happy. I wouldn't be where I am without them and I wouldn't be going where I am without their support. It isn't only their love and support I have either. I have such a great support system here that is going to be insanely hard to leave. But here I am ready to face the adult world head. The car is mine and I bought it with my own money. It's my ticket out of here really. I have my whole life waiting for me. I no longer have to ask to use the restroom, I have to take care of myself, and I have to find myself. Here's to new adventures in a new car.

My parents bought me a plane ticket. This ticket is to my soon to be home. Its for a week. In that week I have to take my first, or maybe second, step towards adulthood. I have to take my college placement tests and sign up for my classes. Problem is, I have no way to pay for these classes. So that right there is stressful. I don't have a college fund of a savings account. I am going to have to work my way through college in a place where I do not have a job yet. But I have faith everything will work out. But that's all I have. Faith. I know I have support here and there. I know I can do it, I just don't know how.

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