Thursday, June 19, 2014


If there is one thing I love about this town it is that everywhere I look I can spot a flower. These flowers make me happy.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Car and a Plane Ticket

On Saturday I bought a car... It needs some work, and a name. Having a car makes me feel like an adult. I just graduated high school and have to meet the real world and I hope it treats me well. This small town isn't for me. The cold, snowy winters and the less than warm springs aren't the best. I will miss my family more than anything, but I have to follow my arrow and go where I will be happy. I wouldn't be where I am without them and I wouldn't be going where I am without their support. It isn't only their love and support I have either. I have such a great support system here that is going to be insanely hard to leave. But here I am ready to face the adult world head. The car is mine and I bought it with my own money. It's my ticket out of here really. I have my whole life waiting for me. I no longer have to ask to use the restroom, I have to take care of myself, and I have to find myself. Here's to new adventures in a new car.

My parents bought me a plane ticket. This ticket is to my soon to be home. Its for a week. In that week I have to take my first, or maybe second, step towards adulthood. I have to take my college placement tests and sign up for my classes. Problem is, I have no way to pay for these classes. So that right there is stressful. I don't have a college fund of a savings account. I am going to have to work my way through college in a place where I do not have a job yet. But I have faith everything will work out. But that's all I have. Faith. I know I have support here and there. I know I can do it, I just don't know how.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Creating a Yearbook

I am the editor my my high school's yearbook. This is my first year doing it and I love it. If I could make a living doing it I would. Today my adviser was asking for my opinion on how she should grade us and I told her to look at the log in history. This tells you when and how long that person was logged in for. Mind you, no one in that class does anything. Okay so maybe like 4 others. That is not nearly enough work being put in, so I pick up the slack. How much slack? All of it. My adviser informed me that while grading us she discovered I have spent 190 hours working on the yearbook. This does not include the time I have taken to take pictures or interview people. Nor does it include when I was logged in as my adviser while making adjustments I couldn't on my account. 190 hours of my life has been put into this yearbook and I am going to make it perfect. These next two weeks are going to be insane and stressful and full of way more hours spent on the yearbook but it is so worth it to see this creation.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Today it was Sunny

The sun decided to show itself after far too many months in hiding and my oh my how I have missed it. I actually could be outside without being miserable. The sun makes me happy. The warmth on my skin is soothing. It is just about spring and while it is no spring like one in Arizona it will do. I walked outside in capris and was not forced to but on my boots. Nope no boots for me today. The grounds was no longer sopping wet, just cool and slightly damp. I got to wear ballet flats and it was wonderful.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Our Relationship

To some it makes no sense. Others never thought it would last. Many don't know how we do it and give us props because we are making it work. To us, its just our life. We are over 1,000 miles apart but it's our relationship and it is how we function. He calls me every night. I text him every morning. I know his schedule as well as I know my own and vice versa. We make it work. Every month I have a letter from him that I get to open and read. Of course I miss him and yes we have rough days but we have a connection. One I never have had with anyone. It's almost like we don't know better. We were only together for a little more than a month before I moved away and we have been together for almost two years now. Being with him, just makes sense. We have moments. It is never awkward. The silence never feels as if it has to be broken. It just works.
He makes me happy. Genuinely happy and I don't know where I'd be without him.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

I'm In A Place I Never Thought I Would Be

I live in a small town. I live in Montana. I live where it snows. 
Never did I think that I would be here. I am one of 89 in my graduating class when less than a year ago I was one of 600. I am a cheerleader. That is something I never thought I would say and I actually enjoy it. Being a senior in high school is nothing like I thought it would be. I know that if I still lived in Arizona this last year of high school would be completely different. Not necessarily better or worse, just different. If I still lived in Arizona I would be able to see my boyfriend more than three times a year. I wouldn't be creating a yearbook that is practically my baby or be pushing my limits by being a cheerleader. I might have more friends and more of a social life. But I wouldn't be experiencing all these new things like snow. 
So I guess this move hasn't been all bad. There is a bright side to every situation. Would I ever choose to live here? No absolutely not. Do I miss the warmth and sunshine in January? So much. I even miss the 100 plus degree weather in August. Call me crazy.
This place has its perks and I could see why people stay here all there lives. But its isn't for me. The nearest mall is 30 minutes away and its a crappy mall. Same as Target and Costco. That is just not the life for me. If I am bored, I want to drive 10 minutes and be able to go to a shopping center or a mall.

So my point is this is a place I didn't think I would ever live. It may even be the last place I thought I would end up. Well maybe not the last.